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Natural Approaches for Flea Removal and Extermination

By Tom Brooks

If you observe that your pet has been scratching itself daft, probabilities are that your home will shortly be subject to the dire straits of a flea invasion, and your entire household will be scratching away too. Flea removal is the thing, and If your pet has endured fleas and all that itching and scratching, chances are you have too. The issue now is you will need to decide which approach to take to guarantee total flea extermination, the more efficient but fatal approach of chemical based treatments or the natural way.

Contrary to widely held belief, the natural approach has been proven effective but takes a greater time. However , having said that , natural cures are just as effective with most ingredients being generally available at your home and is safer for both pets and humans as they're less dangerous in nature, and also less certain to get allergic response. There is no fret about having chemical residue that are health hazards.

Flea Extermination with Home Remedies

It has been proved that straightforward salt water drives away fleas, and to add more potency to it, include some Dawn dish washing liquid into the bath water for your pet. Repeat this washing routine daily for best effect. Use borax or boric acid, in its powder form and sprinkle on your carpets. When fleas

Drizzle borax on your carpets as well as your surroundings of your home. When the parasites feed on them, they quickly dehydrate and die off. Use Borax soap, which is a common household item to bath your pet, it is shown to kill and repel fleas. But ensure you thoroughly clean them up as boric acid can cause irritation to the skin. Naturally, good old regular cleaning remains the requirement, so keep abreast of the vacuuming and destroy the vacuum bags instantly.

You should note the key drawback to using natural cures is that you might have to copy them many times, with persistence and patience. And anyway, you should realize that you are in the flea removal battle for the long stretch. No pet flea control measures guarantees results overnight. So keep at it.

Pet Flea Control the Natural Herbal Approach

Take as an example, natural herbal and flower treatments like using lavender and pennyroyal which give off smells that fleas immediately scorn away from, have been proven effective. Important oils like lavender, basil, fennel can also be used to deter these bugs. Mix the indispensable oils with water or carrier oils and scatter enough around your house, furniture, pet bedding and accessories together with their favorite haunts. Both your family and pets benefit from the invigorating lift for the senses, not to mention that they work to repel fleas. Cedar chips are another natural repellent for pet flea control as the bugs tend to shun them.

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