Massachusetts Bill to Mandate Acupuncture Coverage

Most all of us can agree we have been operating under the model of disease care, not health care, for the past several decades.  Prevention is the best medicine and acupuncture is one of several modalities that help individualizes make lifestyle choices to benefit their health and well-being. While passing national legislation as proposed in HD 1593 would be a boon to my practice (I would have to hire someone to run the office - yeah, an excuse for an annual Christmas party!),  mandating coverage for procedures not commonly used by the majority of the people bothers me on a personal (and self-insured) level.  Since KY is still fighting for "license" instead of "certification" and none of the large insurance companies will accept acupuncturists directly into their network, I do not see this state leaping on the bandwagon without an angel lobbyist trumpeting the cause. The argument is pretty compelling, in any event:

Acupuncture Insurance Legislation
● Under Massachusetts’ mandated universal healthcare and insurance system very few insurers
cover acupuncture services.
● Bill HD 1593 makes acupuncture services accessible to all families in every income bracket.
● Bill HD 1593 requires that all individual or group accident or health insurance policies, issued
by an insurer or non-profit health service corporation, provide benefits for services rendered by a
licensed acupuncturist in the state of Massachusetts.
● The consumer should have equal choice among all professionals licensed to practice acupuncture.
Acupuncture Training:
● Acupuncturists licensed in Massachusetts are regulated by the Board of Medicine .
Acupuncturists take a minimum of 2050 hours of training in acupuncture in addition to required
basic science and western biomedical courses. This is the equivalent of 3 to 4 years of study to
achieve an entry level degree of Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Cost-effectiveness of Acupuncture:
● According to a study in Washington state, the addition of mandated insurance coverage for
acupuncture and other complementary medicine did not significantly escalate healthcare costs.
● Costs actually decreased for acupuncture and complementary medicine users in high disease
burden groups due to a reduction of more expensive conventional care.
● The carpal tunnel syndrome study by Naeser et al. 2002 showed a significant cost savings with
the use of acupuncture compared to conventional treatment. A case of CTS medically treated
without surgery costs $5246 compared to $1000 for 15 laser acupuncture treatments at $65 per
treatment. This represents a saving of $4246 per patient with acupuncture treatment. The cost for
CTS surgery was $21,000 per patient and some patients were able to avoid surgery with 15 laser
acupuncture treatments totaling $1000.

Clinical Efficacy:
● In 1997 the NIH approved acupuncture as an adjunctive treatment for several conditions
including pain, nausea,asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome and paralysis from stroke.
● Over 500 positive clinical trials, measuring the efficacy of acupuncture, have been conducted in
the past three decades.
● There are 50 systematic reviews of acupuncture in the Cochrane databases. Overall, the trend has
been favorable, advocating the use of acupuncture in a clinical setting as an adjunct treatment
with conventional therapies, where suitable (Witt et al. 2006).
● Positive studies include acupuncture treatment for low back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis of the
knee and hip, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, TMJ, headaches, infertility, pain and nausea in
cancer patients.

Safety of Acupuncture:
● Acupuncture is a safe and cost-effective form of medicine that has been practiced and refined for
more than 2500 years. Acupuncture uses ultra-thin needles to balance and increase energy and
stimulate the nervous system to release brain chemicals for relaxation and well being.
● As of 2008 the Committee on Acupuncture shows 679 acupuncturists licensed in Massachusetts.
● From 2004-2008 the total number of complaints lodged against acupuncturists in Massachusetts
numbered 14, with 2 of those leading to disciplinary action and 2 to denial of license. This
reflects the general safety of the practice of acupuncture and this is true nationwide as well.
● Studies in Europe and Japan showed that less than 0.2% of all individuals treated with
acupuncture experienced adverse effects.

Massachusetts Bill to Mandate Acupuncture Coverage

Most all of us can agree we have been operating under the model of disease care, not health care, for the past several decades.  Prevention is the best medicine and acupuncture is one of several modalities that help individualizes make lifestyle choices to benefit their health and well-being. While passing national legislation as proposed in HD 1593 would be a boon to my practice (I would have to hire someone to run the office - yeah, an excuse for an annual Christmas party!),  mandating coverage for procedures not commonly used by the majority of the people bothers me on a personal (and self-insured) level.  Since KY is still fighting for "license" instead of "certification" and none of the large insurance companies will accept acupuncturists directly into their network, I do not see this state leaping on the bandwagon without an angel lobbyist trumpeting the cause. The argument is pretty compelling, in any event:

Acupuncture Insurance Legislation
● Under Massachusetts’ mandated universal healthcare and insurance system very few insurers
cover acupuncture services.
● Bill HD 1593 makes acupuncture services accessible to all families in every income bracket.
● Bill HD 1593 requires that all individual or group accident or health insurance policies, issued
by an insurer or non-profit health service corporation, provide benefits for services rendered by a
licensed acupuncturist in the state of Massachusetts.
● The consumer should have equal choice among all professionals licensed to practice acupuncture.
Acupuncture Training:
● Acupuncturists licensed in Massachusetts are regulated by the Board of Medicine .
Acupuncturists take a minimum of 2050 hours of training in acupuncture in addition to required
basic science and western biomedical courses. This is the equivalent of 3 to 4 years of study to
achieve an entry level degree of Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Cost-effectiveness of Acupuncture:
● According to a study in Washington state, the addition of mandated insurance coverage for
acupuncture and other complementary medicine did not significantly escalate healthcare costs.
● Costs actually decreased for acupuncture and complementary medicine users in high disease
burden groups due to a reduction of more expensive conventional care.
● The carpal tunnel syndrome study by Naeser et al. 2002 showed a significant cost savings with
the use of acupuncture compared to conventional treatment. A case of CTS medically treated
without surgery costs $5246 compared to $1000 for 15 laser acupuncture treatments at $65 per
treatment. This represents a saving of $4246 per patient with acupuncture treatment. The cost for
CTS surgery was $21,000 per patient and some patients were able to avoid surgery with 15 laser
acupuncture treatments totaling $1000.

Clinical Efficacy:
● In 1997 the NIH approved acupuncture as an adjunctive treatment for several conditions
including pain, nausea,asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome and paralysis from stroke.
● Over 500 positive clinical trials, measuring the efficacy of acupuncture, have been conducted in
the past three decades.
● There are 50 systematic reviews of acupuncture in the Cochrane databases. Overall, the trend has
been favorable, advocating the use of acupuncture in a clinical setting as an adjunct treatment
with conventional therapies, where suitable (Witt et al. 2006).
● Positive studies include acupuncture treatment for low back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis of the
knee and hip, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, TMJ, headaches, infertility, pain and nausea in
cancer patients.

Safety of Acupuncture:
● Acupuncture is a safe and cost-effective form of medicine that has been practiced and refined for
more than 2500 years. Acupuncture uses ultra-thin needles to balance and increase energy and
stimulate the nervous system to release brain chemicals for relaxation and well being.
● As of 2008 the Committee on Acupuncture shows 679 acupuncturists licensed in Massachusetts.
● From 2004-2008 the total number of complaints lodged against acupuncturists in Massachusetts
numbered 14, with 2 of those leading to disciplinary action and 2 to denial of license. This
reflects the general safety of the practice of acupuncture and this is true nationwide as well.
● Studies in Europe and Japan showed that less than 0.2% of all individuals treated with
acupuncture experienced adverse effects.

Acupuncture Treatment of Chest Tightness and Palpitations

Chief Complaint: Chest tightness and palpitations chronic for eight years with an acute presentation for 2 weeks.
Medical History: The patient has been tested by a medical doctor for heart problems. The tests including an EKG, Stress Test, and blood values of cardiac enzymes show that the patient is within normal range. Her symptoms generally include tightness in the chest that is always present and palpitations while resting that can last as long as 20 minutes. On several occasions she experienced pain radiating down her left arm. The problem began 8 years ago after her fiance died. Prior to this incident she did not experience any of the signs and symptoms described above.
Questioning exam: Today the patient returned to the clinic after a month long break from treatment complaining of slight chest tightness and palpitations that come in the evening as she is relaxing or trying to go to sleep. Her appetite is good and she eats 3 meals per day consisting of the 4 food groups. The patient reports that her digestion is good meaning that she does not experience gas, bloating, stomach pain or acid regurgitation after eating. She has one bowel movement per day that is well formed and complete. She drinks 8 to 10 glasses of room temperature water per day. She enjoys a cup of coffee in the morning and tea or a carbonated soft drink in the afternoon. She urinates 4 to six times per day and the volume of urine relates to her intake of fluids. She reports that her body temperature is normal but she tends to dress warmly. She sweats with exertion during day and wakes once during the night feeling clammy and overheated Her energy is usually 7 to 8 our of 10 but today she reports feeling sluggish. She falls asleep easily and wakes 1x due to sensation of heat and dampness whereupon she falls back to sleep and wakes rested. She reports having vivid dreams that are not stressful. She typically can’t remember her dreams. The patient’s emotional state is good as she exhibits a positive attitude toward life. Her HEENT are mostly clear with a slight cigarette smokers cough. The patient’s menstrual cycle is pending any day. She experienced menarche at 13 years old. The interval of the cycle is typically 28 to 30 days with a duration of 4-5 days. The volume of blood is moderate and its color is red blood ending with a rusty red and is without clots. PMS symptoms include distended sensitive breasts, emotional upset, increased fatigue, and dull pain in the lower abdomen. She has skipped a cycle recently and notices that the interval seems to be getting longer in general. The flow has been erratic in the last 6 months changing from heavy to spotting in unpredictable patterns. She attributes the changes to the first signs of menopause.
Pulse exam: The pulse was felt on the middle and deep levels on both wrists. The right side was dominant. Both hands had a thin pulse felt in the middle level at the cun and guan position. The strength of the pulse increased at the deep level where the chi position could be felt. The rate was 92BPM with a regular rhythm.
Tongue exam: The tongue body is puffy top to bottom especially in the center. There is a deep crack from the Kidney area to the Stomach/Spleen region with a thin crack to the tip. The color is slightly red with a very red tip. The coating is thick and slightly yellow due to cigarette smoking. There are scallops on the sides. The sublingual veins are not distended. The patient is 5’6″ and 120#. She actively participates in the consultation. Her movements are fluid and graceful. There are no unusual odors.
OM Diagnosis: The diagnosis is Qi stagnation in the Heart channel due to emotional trauma. This Qi stagnation has created heat in the upper jiao and has blocked the cooling mist of kidney yin from reaching the heart.
Treatment Principle: Open the chest and cool the heart.
Point Prescription: Yin Tang pacifies wind and calms the shen – insomnia, agitation, restlessness
Ren 17 front Mu of pericardium, influential point of Qi regulates Qi and unbinds the chest
H 7 the source point for the heart and the shu stream point – cardiac pain, palpitation
Lu 9 source point for the lung and the shu stream point and the influential point of vessels palpitation and pain in the chest
P 6 the Luo point of the pericardium – cardiac pain, palpitation, stuffy chest,
K 7 Jing river point night sweating
Liv 3 the source point for the liver and the shu stream point – emotional upset, depression
Herbal Formula: herbs were not recommended.
Lifestyle Prescription: craniosacral therapy, aromatherapy and massage
Results: patient felt immediately better after her first treatment and was treated twice a week. after 1 month/8 treatments the palpitations were resolved to a few quick beats after getting into bed to go to sleep.
Synopsis: using he gu ci fa techninque on Ren 17 and combining this point with LI 4 and Lu 7 seemed to have the greatest effect on the chest tightness and i have found it very effective in treating asthma.

Acupuncture and Herbs for Excessive Menstrual Flow

Chief Complaint: 1- Excessive menstrual flow
Western Diagnosis: The patient was diagnosed with fibroids by a M.D
Medical History: Female, 46 years old
Secondary complaint, recurrent sinus infections
Questioning exam: 1-Her symptoms consist of a lack of a menses for 2-3 months, followed by a heavy flow for 2-3 weeks. The flow is dark and has clots. She feels her abdomen is tight while menstruating, and finds that moving and stretching relieves it.
2- The patient has gotten a sinus infection every six months for as long as she can remember. The discharge from her nose starts clear, but becomes green and bloody.
Pulse exam:
Pulse: Rapid, slippery
Tongue exam: Tongue: Scalloped, white coat, lavender color
OM Diagnosis: 1- Uterine bleeding due to blood stasis (beng luo)
2- Local obstruction of Yang Ming channel
Treatment Principle: 1- Move blood stasis
2- Clear obstruction, move qi
Point Prescription: Sp1, Sp10, Sp8, Sp6, Yin Tang, Du 20, LI4, St36, Du23, LI20->BiTong, St3
Herbal Formula: Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang
Results: Menstrual flow decreased after treatment, and stopped a day or so after treatment.

The Treatment of Anxiety with Acupuncture

Chief Complaint: spontaneous sweating, nervousness
Western Diagnosis: anxiety
Medical History: recent weight loss of 150 lbs, recent dramatic change in lifestyle from unhealthy, greasy, sweet and alcohol diet to a healthy one (hence the weight loss) many traumatic life events; deaths of close loved ones, divorce.
Questioning exam: unstable emotions
mental restlessness worse at night
low energy
sweating on palms and legs, worse with anxiety
lots of dreams
persistent low grade nausea
occasionally morning bowel movement triggers vomiting and abdominal cramps
constant back pain, tightness; better with movement
Pulse exam: skin very damp
clear sweat
pulse sunken and weak in especially in the lung area, unsmooth
Tongue exam: light purple, pale body color, thick, greasy, yellowish coating
OM Diagnosis: lung and stomach qi deficiency, phlegm heat, qi stagnation
Treatment Principle: remove obstructions, disperse fluids regulate stomach qi, tonify qi, calm spirit
Point Prescription: 1st treatment: aggressive energy
2nd treatment: internal dragons
3rd treatment: st36, lu7, pc6, kd9, kd26, kd7, li4, ht6 all contralateral except kd26, lu7
Herbal Formula: gan mai da zao tang with wen dan tang
Lifestyle Prescription: replacement of coffee with herbal tea
Results: back pain gone for several days after AE, felt a tangible weight lifted off….
2nd treatment not as noticeable effect but felt calmer the whole week
3rd treatment felt very electrical… went home and cried for aver an hour
Synopsis: continuation of moving qi, disperse fluids, dissolve phlegm…. tonify lung qi

Acupuncture Treatment of Acne Rosacea

Chief Complaint: Acne Rosacea
Medical History: The patient is a 50 year old female whose Acne Rosacea, localized mainly around her mouth and chin. During her adolescent years she was diagnosis with severe Acne by her physician. In her thirties she was diagnosis with Acne Rosacea by a Dermatologist. For past two years the outbreaks has been moderate to acute. Her lesion is diameter of an eraser on a pencil. They are pustules and painful. When the lesion breaks open, they bleed and is easily irritate. Simply splashing water on her face to wash it or wiping her mouth area with dinner napkin can cause the to lesions to bleed.
The patient has consulted a Dermatologist and was prescribed topical metronidizaloe cream, applied twice a day as treatment, which made no difference. Erythromycin was also prescribed and worked to some extent, but only as long as she was taking them.
Questioning exam: Patient likes eating spicy foods; has flush cheeks and chin; hass occasional night sweats (d/t menopause); bowel movements re loose, 2-3xday sometimes more and sometimes they are explosive and urgent; thirst – constantly consume water all day long because she弤 a History teacher and talks all day.
Other symptoms included mild dizzy spells for the past year, generalized headaches with no specific location a few times a week, stiffness in the trapezius, trouble falling asleep, and general stress. She is slightly irritable, especially before her menses, color red to darker red with some clots lasting for 5 days. The patient runs on the cold side.
Pulse exam: Pulse: wiry, slippery, rapid
Lesions feel hot and tender to the touch. Lesions mainly around mouth and chin. Redness in central areas of the face, forehead and chin.
Tongue exam: Red tip, thin to moderate white coat with yellow line in down the center of the tongue
OM Diagnosis: Diagnosis:
1. Heat toxin (acute)
2. Heat in Lungs and Stomach (chronic)
Overindulgence of alcohol or spicy foods, causing excessive heat in the Stomach and then steams the Lung.
Pre-existing accumulated Lung and Stomach heat combining with attack by heat toxin.
Disharmonies of the penetrating and conception channels, causing blood heat stagnation in the skin and tissues of the nose area, giving rise to the lesions.
Point Prescription: The patient did not want her face needled.
Ears Points: External Nose, Endocrine, Lungs, Shen Men and Adrenal.
Body points: LI 11, SJ 5, ST 44, LI 4 & LR 3, LU 3, ST 36
Needle retention was 15- 20 minutes.
When her diarrhea was severe (explosive), salt moxa on RN-8
Herbal Formula: Patient did not want herbs
Lifestyle Prescription: Decrease /stop consumption of alcohol, spicy foods and fried greasy foods
Results: After the first treatment the lesions dried up significantly, but lesions returned approximately a week later. After approximately 3 months of treatments twice a week, the lesions cleared up completely and reappeared occasionally. From month 4 to current, she has been receiving weekly or bi-weekly treatments and Acne Rosacea has not flared up.

Chinese Medicine Treatment of Brain Damage

Chief Complaint: Spasticity, inability to eat, speak, control movements
Western Diagnosis: Brain Damage caused by Anoxia during surgery
Medical History: Patient “D” was twelve-year old boy undergoing hernia surgery. Anesthesiologist forgot to set blood pressure cuff and D had ten minutes when his brain had no oxygen. His muscles seized, could not breathe on his own, was fed through tube, could not walk, speak or toilet himself. D could only “blow raspberries” at his mother to show disapproval but could not blink his eyes voluntarily.
Questioning exam: Because patient could not communicate directly, I am listing signs. Functional symptomatology listed above in relevant medical history. Patient was pale, muscles on arms and legs were contracted and spastic. He had appearance of “puppet” — almost like “wooden” boy. He had been a piano prodigy and a skilled soccer player before the surgery, however when I saw him for the first time (four months after the “accident”, he could not stand, his feet and fingers were contracted. However, when I played Mozart for him during treatments, his eyes lit up and he began vocalizing “ah, ah, ah” during pieces that he had played before the accident — when he still had use of his fine motor muscles. D’s skin and nails were very dry. His eyes were quite dry (however he was unable to close them voluntarily). D did wear “drypers” and had to be bathed by his nurses and fed liquid meals through his feeding tube. He could not control his urine or bowel evacuation. He was cold all the time and needed to be covered in blankets. He was not growing or developing.
Pulse exam: Pulse was overall very deep and weak. When palpable it disappeared with pressure.
Tongue exam: Tongue was deviated but flabby and pale.
OM Diagnosis: Sudden anoxia caused muscles and whole body not to be nourished. Severe blood deficiency causing wind in the channels. Because of injury to brain, kidney channel damaged — patient showing signs and symptoms of kidney yang xu — cannot control toileting, experiences cold, not developing.
Treatment Principle: Nourish blood and yin, clear wind.
Nourish kidney channel – yin and yang.
Point Prescription: St 36 GB 34 GB 39 Liver 2 Liver 3
Spleen 10 Spleen 6, LI 4, LI 11, Ear shenmen, Kidney 3, Kidney 7, Kidney 9. Moxa used on St 36, Ren 4, 6, 8 and Kidney points. Patient could not lie on his stomach until several months into treatment, at which point I added UB23, UB17, UB18, UB15 and SI points around the shoulder to relax rhomboids. These points were not all used concurrently, but varied over the course of treatment.
Herbal Formula: Began with raw herb formula-his mother would pour it down feeding tube.
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Jia Wei
(added Gou Qi Zi, Che Qian Zi,
Rou Gui, Fu Zi, Dang Gui, Loranthi,
Bai Shao, etc.
This formula was augmented as he began to “come back to life”. I teased him and called him “pinocchio”. He was like the wooden boy who softened and whose movements became more fluid. After six weeks of these herbs and two acupuncture treatments per week, his large family had a big party and took him to JC Penny to buy undershorts because he could finally control his urination and bowel movements. Within a few months he could blow kisses at his mother, articulate words, yell at me (liver qi stagnation emerged as he strengthened, but then again he had finally entered puberty and was an adolescent in all ways, including his demeanor.)(D did grow, develop, voice deepened, etc.).
Lifestyle Prescription: D was receiving speech and occupational therapy at the hospital twice weekly. When I learned he loved marine life we searched for dolphin therapy on the internet and found a site in Southern Florida where he ended up going quarterly with his family. His parents felt that he made huge developmental strides from his time in the water with the animals.
Results: As written above, D was helped in a big way by Traditional Chinese Medicine. When he began to feed himself and the feeding tube was removed, his improvement slowed to a “not-so-dramatic” pace — because he fought taking the herbs which had helped him so significantly — and had also become a “moody” teenager.
Synopsis: When I last saw D, he was walking, talking (not totally clearly, but we could understand his words). He was attending school for a half day with his nurse as his shadow. He could shower himself, take himself to the bathroom, spend time laughing with his friends, and was securing a voice-prompt computer system so he could be on email to his friends and family. He could walk by himself and even on stairs — but at the time I saw him last, he was still experiencing spasticity in his forearms and fingers and could not perform fine motor skills. He doctors were mediating this a small amount with quarterly botox injections into the joints, but without significant success. It is so interesting that when D’s brain began to function again, it was as though he were an infant going through early stages of development — his function returned in the same “order” as if he were developing for the first time.
D no longer lives in the same city as I but touched my life significantly. I learned so much in treating and in knowing him. He is very brave young man.

Spring Cleanse

I just encountered a press release selling a Chinese Medicine-Based 21-day Cleanse developed by an acupuncturist, Reiki practitioner, yoga instructor, feng shui expert, and behavioral neuroscience something-or-other.  Off the top of my head, there are half-a-dozen excellent Chinese Medicine diet books on the market that contain guidelines for cleanses - most notably The Tao of Healthy Eating and Healing with Whole Foods. Perhaps this program offers something new and revolutionary and  am not going to knock it unless I try it. In the meantime, here are the instructions to a similar cleanse program I give to my clients for a lovely 3-day spring detox.

Why Cleanse? Clearing your schedule for a cleanse allows you to watch, moment to moment, the cause and effect of food and lifestyle choices that often remain unnoticed. It also provides a time for reflection and fresh insights into how diet and lifestyle habits are serving to support or undermine our health.

5 Herbs for Cleansing

* Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), known for centuries as a liver cleanser, has been clinically shown to increase levels of glutathione, the amino-acid compound that's necessary for toxin removal.

* Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) supports the liver, the adrenals, and the immune system. It also acts as a gentle laxative. Licorice may not be appropriate for patients with high blood pressure, so consult your doctor before using it if you are at risk.

* Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) stimulates the gallbladder, the kidneys, and the liver.

* Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis), a Chinese tonic herb, is a multitasker. "It's an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and a liver protector. Talk to your doctor if you have high blood pressure.

* Burdock (Arctium lappa), helps protect the liver and clears toxins that lead to skin eruptions like eczema and acne.

7 Detox Foods These foods harbor healing promise for those looking to detox--and they're safe to consume every day. Apples and grapes are high in fiber to cleanse the colon. The pectin present in apples helps detoxify the gut, while the phytonutrients in grapes support the immune system, which in turn addresses toxins in the body. Artichokes are a source of antioxidants and liver-supporting cynarin. Artichoke not only cleanses this organ, but also helps convert the inactive T4 thyroid hormone to an active T3, which helps to increase metabolism and weight loss. Artichoke also helps the liver decongest fats. Cranberries kill bacteria in the urinary tract and contain digestive enzymes that cleanse the lymphatic system. Leafy greens like chard, kale, spinach, dandelions, chickweed, and salad leaves not only are among the most nutrient-rich vegetables, they help purify the GI tract. Lemons contain antioxidant, antiseptic, and cleansing substances. Once ingested, lemon's alkaline effect helps counter excess acid, while its high vitamin-C content bolsters the immune system. Whey, a milk protein that's rich in amino acids, offers immune-system and bone support. Research has shown it also helps the body produce more glutathione, facilitating toxin removal.

The following is a recipe for a basic cleanse; you can follow it exactly or adjust it to meet your personal needs. It calls for a light diet, herbs to support organ function, and beneficial yoga poses. This cleanse provides the benefits of fasting without the hardships. When toxins are released from fat reserves during a fast, the body has insufficient nutrient support to rid itself of toxins. This may result in headache, fatigue, and other problems, so anyone tempted to fast should consult a physician.

As you cleanse your inner dwelling, take time to purge your outer environment as well. Do you slather yourself with lotion containing artificial colors? Fill your shopping cart with only non-organic foods? Bit by bit, you can lessen your body's toxic load, leaving more energy for battling factors you can't control.

We are creatures of habit, and can get into familiar patterns of eating, moving, resting, thinking, and feeling that aren't necessarily optimal. Spring cleansing challenges those bad habits and sets a standard for a healthier lifestyle.

8 ounces filtered water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoons maple syrup
Dash cayenne pepper powder/concentrate 

2 teaspoons green superfood
1 ounce unsweetened cranberry juice
8 ounces water
Three Day Cleanse
Drink plenty of filtered water each day, take a multivitamin, and allow time for extra sleep. Each day include 8 ounces of lean protein, fresh or steamed vegetables, and 4 servings of fruit, including 2 organic apples for fiber.

Morning: Drink 8 ounces each of Master cleanser and Cranberry Elixir. Take one tablespoon of cod liver oil and/or Omega complex oil, and 50 drops Schisandra tincture.                                                  
Yoga Pose: Cobra pose Lie on your stomach with legs outstretched. Place your palms on the floor near your rib cage. Inhale as you press your hands into the floor and lift your chest, keeping your hips anchored on the floor and pressing down with your pubic bone. Hold for 3 to 5 smooth breaths, then lower to the floor. Repeat 3 times. Cobra Pose puts pressure on the abdomen, assisting elimination. 
Afternoon: Take 2 packets of whey protein, 2 heaping teaspoons of ground milk thistle seed, and 1 cup of dandelion tea.                               
Clean up your environment. Swap your household glass cleaner, bathroom scrub, and floor wax for natural alternatives from the health-food store. Or save money by making your own greener cleaners with natural ingredients such as vinegar and borax.   
Evening: Drink 8 ounces of Cranberry Elixir., one tablespoon of organic flaxseed oil, and 50 drops of schisandra tincture.                        
Yoga Pose: Corpse: Lie on your back, feet and arms extended and comfortably relaxed. Let your weight sink into the floor, and relax everywhere. This pose keeps bringing attention back to the sensations of the body, so we get glimpses of where we're holding tension. Releasing nervous, mental, and emotional stress is of utmost importance when we cleanse.  

Morning: Repeat day one routine. Yoga Pose: Lying Twist. Lie on your back, your arms stretched out to the sides, in line with your shoulders. Bring your knees to your chest. Slowly let both knees fall to your left side; turn your neck and look to the right. Breathe for a few moments, then return your knees to center and repeat on the opposite side. Twists massage the internal organs, encouraging sound digestion, improving circulation, and helping to detoxify the organs.  
Afternoon: Repeat day one routine.  Commit to whole foods. Start with one or two packaged foods you consume most, or those most likely to be contaminated with pesticides (peaches, strawberries, apples, spinach, nectarines, celery, pears, cherries, potatoes, and sweet bell peppers).  
Evening: Repeat day one routine and Corpse Pose. 

Morning: Repeat day one routine.  Yoga Pose: Seated Forward Fold. Sit with your legs crossed, back straight. Slowly lean forward, relaxing your neck, shoulders, and spine into a  rounded position. Remain folded for 5 to 10 smooth breaths, rise up, switch the cross of your legs, and repeat. Forward folds put pressure on the legs, triggering the liver, gallbladder, and lymph channels and promoting proper elimination patterns  
Afternoon: Repeat day one routine. Reassess your beauty routine. Pick one or two products to swap for natural options. Start by assessing your skin cream, since the ingredients end up in your bloodstream.   
Evening: Repeat day one routine and Corpse Pose.

Spring Cleanse

I just encountered a press release selling a Chinese Medicine-Based 21-day Cleanse developed by an acupuncturist, Reiki practitioner, yoga instructor, feng shui expert, and behavioral neuroscience something-or-other.  Off the top of my head, there are half-a-dozen excellent Chinese Medicine diet books on the market that contain guidelines for cleanses - most notably The Tao of Healthy Eating and Healing with Whole Foods. Perhaps this program offers something new and revolutionary and  am not going to knock it unless I try it. In the meantime, here are the instructions to a similar cleanse program I give to my clients for a lovely 3-day spring detox.

Why Cleanse? Clearing your schedule for a cleanse allows you to watch, moment to moment, the cause and effect of food and lifestyle choices that often remain unnoticed. It also provides a time for reflection and fresh insights into how diet and lifestyle habits are serving to support or undermine our health.

5 Herbs for Cleansing

* Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), known for centuries as a liver cleanser, has been clinically shown to increase levels of glutathione, the amino-acid compound that's necessary for toxin removal.

* Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) supports the liver, the adrenals, and the immune system. It also acts as a gentle laxative. Licorice may not be appropriate for patients with high blood pressure, so consult your doctor before using it if you are at risk.

* Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) stimulates the gallbladder, the kidneys, and the liver.

* Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis), a Chinese tonic herb, is a multitasker. "It's an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and a liver protector. Talk to your doctor if you have high blood pressure.

* Burdock (Arctium lappa), helps protect the liver and clears toxins that lead to skin eruptions like eczema and acne.

7 Detox Foods These foods harbor healing promise for those looking to detox--and they're safe to consume every day. Apples and grapes are high in fiber to cleanse the colon. The pectin present in apples helps detoxify the gut, while the phytonutrients in grapes support the immune system, which in turn addresses toxins in the body. Artichokes are a source of antioxidants and liver-supporting cynarin. Artichoke not only cleanses this organ, but also helps convert the inactive T4 thyroid hormone to an active T3, which helps to increase metabolism and weight loss. Artichoke also helps the liver decongest fats. Cranberries kill bacteria in the urinary tract and contain digestive enzymes that cleanse the lymphatic system. Leafy greens like chard, kale, spinach, dandelions, chickweed, and salad leaves not only are among the most nutrient-rich vegetables, they help purify the GI tract. Lemons contain antioxidant, antiseptic, and cleansing substances. Once ingested, lemon's alkaline effect helps counter excess acid, while its high vitamin-C content bolsters the immune system. Whey, a milk protein that's rich in amino acids, offers immune-system and bone support. Research has shown it also helps the body produce more glutathione, facilitating toxin removal.

The following is a recipe for a basic cleanse; you can follow it exactly or adjust it to meet your personal needs. It calls for a light diet, herbs to support organ function, and beneficial yoga poses. This cleanse provides the benefits of fasting without the hardships. When toxins are released from fat reserves during a fast, the body has insufficient nutrient support to rid itself of toxins. This may result in headache, fatigue, and other problems, so anyone tempted to fast should consult a physician.

As you cleanse your inner dwelling, take time to purge your outer environment as well. Do you slather yourself with lotion containing artificial colors? Fill your shopping cart with only non-organic foods? Bit by bit, you can lessen your body's toxic load, leaving more energy for battling factors you can't control.

We are creatures of habit, and can get into familiar patterns of eating, moving, resting, thinking, and feeling that aren't necessarily optimal. Spring cleansing challenges those bad habits and sets a standard for a healthier lifestyle.

8 ounces filtered water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoons maple syrup
Dash cayenne pepper powder/concentrate 

2 teaspoons green superfood
1 ounce unsweetened cranberry juice
8 ounces water
Three Day Cleanse
Drink plenty of filtered water each day, take a multivitamin, and allow time for extra sleep. Each day include 8 ounces of lean protein, fresh or steamed vegetables, and 4 servings of fruit, including 2 organic apples for fiber.

Morning: Drink 8 ounces each of Master cleanser and Cranberry Elixir. Take one tablespoon of cod liver oil and/or Omega complex oil, and 50 drops Schisandra tincture.                                                  
Yoga Pose: Cobra pose Lie on your stomach with legs outstretched. Place your palms on the floor near your rib cage. Inhale as you press your hands into the floor and lift your chest, keeping your hips anchored on the floor and pressing down with your pubic bone. Hold for 3 to 5 smooth breaths, then lower to the floor. Repeat 3 times. Cobra Pose puts pressure on the abdomen, assisting elimination. 
Afternoon: Take 2 packets of whey protein, 2 heaping teaspoons of ground milk thistle seed, and 1 cup of dandelion tea.                               
Clean up your environment. Swap your household glass cleaner, bathroom scrub, and floor wax for natural alternatives from the health-food store. Or save money by making your own greener cleaners with natural ingredients such as vinegar and borax.   
Evening: Drink 8 ounces of Cranberry Elixir., one tablespoon of organic flaxseed oil, and 50 drops of schisandra tincture.                        
Yoga Pose: Corpse: Lie on your back, feet and arms extended and comfortably relaxed. Let your weight sink into the floor, and relax everywhere. This pose keeps bringing attention back to the sensations of the body, so we get glimpses of where we're holding tension. Releasing nervous, mental, and emotional stress is of utmost importance when we cleanse.  

Morning: Repeat day one routine. Yoga Pose: Lying Twist. Lie on your back, your arms stretched out to the sides, in line with your shoulders. Bring your knees to your chest. Slowly let both knees fall to your left side; turn your neck and look to the right. Breathe for a few moments, then return your knees to center and repeat on the opposite side. Twists massage the internal organs, encouraging sound digestion, improving circulation, and helping to detoxify the organs.  
Afternoon: Repeat day one routine.  Commit to whole foods. Start with one or two packaged foods you consume most, or those most likely to be contaminated with pesticides (peaches, strawberries, apples, spinach, nectarines, celery, pears, cherries, potatoes, and sweet bell peppers).  
Evening: Repeat day one routine and Corpse Pose. 

Morning: Repeat day one routine.  Yoga Pose: Seated Forward Fold. Sit with your legs crossed, back straight. Slowly lean forward, relaxing your neck, shoulders, and spine into a  rounded position. Remain folded for 5 to 10 smooth breaths, rise up, switch the cross of your legs, and repeat. Forward folds put pressure on the legs, triggering the liver, gallbladder, and lymph channels and promoting proper elimination patterns  
Afternoon: Repeat day one routine. Reassess your beauty routine. Pick one or two products to swap for natural options. Start by assessing your skin cream, since the ingredients end up in your bloodstream.   
Evening: Repeat day one routine and Corpse Pose.

The Acupuncture Treatment of Vascular Headache

Chief Complaint: right temporal pain
Western Diagnosis: vascular headache
Medical History: A woman aged 40 complained headache for 20 years. the right temporal pain began 20 yeas age, often preceded by nervous tension or over-fatigue, and aggravated during menses. She experienced boring pain in the right temporal region accompanied by cramping pain of the right eye. the bouts usually subsided after 3-5 days, sometimes with slight pain remaining.
Questioning exam: right hemicrania precipitated b tension, fatigue and menses; flushed face; restlessness; irritability; poor appetite with bitter feeling in mouth; constipation.
Pulse exam: fine taut pulse, weak at the left cubit.
Tongue exam: tongue with thin yellow coating.
OM Diagnosis: ShaoYang headache.
in this case, the bouts of hemicrania accompanied by right-eye pain, irritability, and taut pule were caused by endogenous wind from Liver due to exuberance of Yang;restlessness and insomnia were due to disturbance of mental activity of Liver-Yang; and flushed face bitter taste in mouth, constipation and yellow tongue coat were caused by Liver-fire arising from transformation of Yang. Further, inhibition of Spleen by an overactive Liver caused poor appetite.Fine pulse weak at the left cubit indicated deficiency of Kidney-Yin,as this results in failure to nourish Liver-Yin, predisposing to exuberance of yang.
Treatment Principle: Nourish Yin in order to quench fire, subdue hyper-function of Liver and the resulting endogenous wind.
Point Prescription: TaiYang,TouWei, ShuaiGu, FengChi and XiaXi.all this 5 points only select the right site and use reducing manipulation.YangLingQuan, TaiXi, TaiChong select both sites and use nourishing manipulation.retain the needles for 30 minutes each time and once every other day.
Herbal Formula: none.
Lifestyle Prescription: none.
Results: After the first treatment, pat. feels much better. after the third treatments pat.was headache additional treatment for maintenance. 6 months later pat. reported headache free.

Acupuncture and Herbs for Muscle Spasms

Chief Complaint: muscle spasms
Medical History: Patient presents as 37 year old female. “Perfect health” until onset of current symptoms 5 months ago. Active lifestyle- feels best after exercise. Well balanced and moderate diet. Non-smoker, occasional wine, coffee daily.
Questioning exam: Onset of Symptoms: 5 months ago (symptoms started appearing shortly after giving birth). First symptom was closing of the eyelids. She was forced to hold her eyelids open with her fingers about 70% of the time. A few weeks later, her vocal cords tightened over the trachea and restricting breath. On her third trip to the ER, she was given a tracheostomy tube which she is still breathing through. Her vocal cords were then injected with botox in attempt to relax them. She then began suffering from dystonias in her neck, causing intense pain, rigidity, and a “bobble-head” appearance. She has seen 5 neurologists, who have prescribed a myriad of drugs from anti-anxiety to muscle relaxants to more botox. The drugs did not help her, but did cause unpleasant side-effects.
The week before she came to me, she had her first period since the delivery. This made her symptoms much worse.
Pulse exam: Pulse was overall thin, weak and slightly rapid. The left side was more superficial and wiry.
Upon palpation, GB 20 was incredibly tight and painful. As were ST 12, Naganos, LI 4, GB30, GB34, GB41, and LR3.
Tongue exam: Tongue body thin, extremely pale, and had lots of transverse cracks. Body was very quivery and unable to patient unable to stick it out. Not much of a coat and very dry.
Wood body and personality type- thin, sinewy, slight green tint to skin, use to being in control. Patient is very irritated and angry about current condition.
OM Diagnosis: Internal Liver wind due to Liver blood and yin xu.
Treatment Principle: Clear wind, smooth Liver, tonify blood and yin.
Point Prescription: First treatment was the Agressive Energy Treatment (Worsley). UB 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 23
After that, I alternated tonifying treatments with clearing treatments.
Tonifying treatments included:
Opening the Chong (SP4 + P6) or Ren (LU7 + KI 6)
UB 15, 17, 18, 20
8 needles around naval
Clearing wind included different combinations of the following
Yang Wei Mo (SJ 5 + GB 41), GB 20, Naganos, LI 4, UB 12, GB 31, GB34
Cupping with Po Sum On on back and shoulders
Handwork on shoulders, Naganos, LI 4, and GB channel
Tiger thermie on ST 12
Herbal Formula: Women’s Precious as directed from Golden Flower
Lifestyle Prescription: Instructed to avoid chicken, caffeine, and alcohol increase cooked leafy greens
Results: Results were great and she was symptom free after 6 treatments in 2 weeks. I then instructed her that I wanted to see her weekly through 3 menstrual cycles. However, she was feeling so good and was busy, so she failed to come in for 3 weeks and stopped taking her herbs. In the third week she had a period. The period was very heavy and painful. All of her symptoms returned, we began again and results are coming slower this time. It has been 2 months since she resumed treatment and was doing well until her last period when her symptoms moved from the back of her neck to the front of her neck (from Tai Yang to Yang Ming). Treatment has been modified and we’re continuing to work on it.

Acupuncture and Herbs for Uterine Fibroids

Chief Complaint: Uterine pain
Western Diagnosis: Fibroids
Medical History: Asian female,age 40 presents with uterine fibroids for 14 years. Asthma since age 6, medicated with steroids for many years; during acute attacks her brother (physician) would intravenously inject her with a steroid cocktail; at age 25 she began daily use of ventolin spray; allergies to pollen, cats and coconut; whole family history of skin or lung problems (eczema, vitiligo, lung infections)
Questioning exam: Patient reports her initial symptoms were deep, cramping pains about two weeks prior to menses. Other symptoms include fatigue and lumbar tenderness correlating to uterine pain. She is prone to hayfever, congested sinuses and slight wheexing. Slow digestion with bloating,gas and constipation. She reports blurry vision and floaters, cold extremities and dry,itchy skin. The patient is exhausted by her illness,generally difficult to fall asleep and poor sleep the week before her menses. Her husband does not acknowledge her fibroids.
Pulse exam: Pulse: deep,slippery,slightly thin, also slightly wiry on right side
Abdomen: soft,deep palpation reveals small mass on right side, cold to touch
Tongue exam: Tongue: pale,dusky,swollen,teethmarks, slight yellow coat
Dark,puffy circles under eyes
OM Diagnosis: Blood & Phlegm Stagnation in Uterus
SP & KID Yang Deficiency
LIV Blood Deficiency
Long term steroid use damages KID-disrupt water-unable to move blood and fluids-creates stagnation in lower jiao
Treatment Principle: Move Blood, Transform Phlegm in Uterus
Tonify Kidney and Spleen
Nourish Blood
Point Prescription: GB 41 & SJ 5, KID 3, LIV 3, ST 36 & 37, REN 4, moxa lower abdomen, ST 36, ginger moxa REN 8
Herbal Formula: Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Lifestyle Prescription: Continue acupx 2x/wk
Eliminate dairy products for 3 mos-to eliminate phlegm
Massage, Tai Qi, Moxa-all to increase energy flow to uterus
Journal-write down everything you would like to create in your life
Results: She has been receiving acupuncture for several years. She believes the TCM is helping shorten the duration and lessen the intensity of her pain
Synopsis: Fibroid tumors are #1 reason for hysterectomy in US
according to Caroline Myss, fibroids represent our creativity that was never birthed; including fantasies of ourselves; fibroids can result when we are flowing energy into dead-end jobs and relationships that we have outgrown.

Chinese Medicine Treatment of Uterine Fibroids and Cysts

Chief Complaint: severe lower abdominal pain, uterine hemorrhage
Western Diagnosis: uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst
Medical History: 47 y.o. female with a history of heavy menses with clots and cramping and increasing in frequency. Occasional hot flashes but after two 2-year courses of estrogen supplementation didn’t want to continue hormone replacement. Frequent bladder infections following intercourse. History of narcotic and alcohol addiction (past) and high blood pressure triggered by anxiety.
Pulse exam: Liver small and not descending to Kidney.
Pain in lower left quadrant of abdomen, sensitive on palpation. Inguinal lymph swelling. Pale complexion.
Tongue exam: Long center crack, very pale body. Red dots at tip.
OM Diagnosis: Dai Mai blockage preventing liver from descending to kidney. Deficient Liver blood leading to heart fire.
Treatment Principle: Drain Dai Mai. Support Liver Blood. Move Blood in lower burner.
Point Prescription: Worked with Dai Mai and Li/GB divergent meridian both with acupuncture and essential oils. Had Pt. use castor oil packs.
Herbal Formula: Worked with modifications of Gui Zhi Fu Ling San, adding among others Gui Ban to keep hot flashes in check, yin chen hao and/or qing hao to help drain latent toxic heat from the dai, and Dan Shen to calm spirit and help move blood. Had patient apply carrot and benzoin EO to Li DM points to consolidate Blood (3 days on 3 days off for several weeks) and mugwort oil to Dai Mai points (with castor oil on abdomen, also 3 days on 3 days off).
Lifestyle Prescription: Recommended yoga stretches for opening psoaz and abdomen, breathing meditation to connect with and move stagnation in uterus and ovaries.
Results: After initial treatment, Pt went in for a scheduled D&C and laparoscopy previously arrange with OBGyn. During surgery, GYN discovered ‘a large ovarian cyst’ and decided to remove entire ovary (!) All bleeding stopped and Pt was told the operation sent her into menopause. In the 5 months since initial treatment and surgery, the menses has returned and normalized in frequency and duration, now with no pain or clotting. Patient no longer has bladder infections following intercourse and no longer experiences anxiety or the associated HBP; she has stopped taking pharmaceuticals for both.
Synopsis: I thought it was a good case because not a lot of people are working with EO’s on extraordinary or divergent vessels and I have been very impressed with the results.

The Acupuncture Treatment of Heartburn (GERD)

Chief Complaint: heartburn
Western Diagnosis: esophageal reflux
Medical History: stress related, burning like a hole in his stomach, ravenous hunger;
defensiveness, vulnerability
Questioning exam: heartburn ad epigastric pain, militant atheist.
Pulse exam: PC deep and weak, kidney full, overall smooth
Tongue exam: pale with white grease
OM Diagnosis: Stomach fire
IV-V imbalance (5 Element)
Treatment Principle: clear heat and rebellion, harmonize the Pericardium
Point Prescription: K22 PC1
CV 12, 14 S21
AE shu pts
PC6 Moxa
Herbal Formula: N/A
Lifestyle Prescription: Return monthly for follow up
Massage, yoga/taichi
Results: Able to stop all his western drugs

Acupuncture Treatment of Allergic Hives

Chief Complaint: Hives with itchiness
Western Diagnosis: Allergy
Medical History: 37 female, full-time mother of two children.
Developed the Hive condition all over the body in Oct 2004.
Approx 30 lbs overweight. Went to a dermatologist to check for allergies but found none. Indicated that she can only wear gold/silver jewelries. She likes to eat Cheese but does not drink Milk, nor smokes. Has a mild scoliosis. Taking over-the-counter allergy pills but needed to take more recently (every 12 hours or more). She feels stressed taking care of kids and not getting enough sleep. She also reported a nagging lower back ache.
She never had a acupuncture before.
Questioning exam: Unless she takes the allergy pill every 12 hours, her body gets covered with Hives, especially the upper body. The size of hives varied but 1/2 – 1 inches long and 1/4 inch width, reddish but not raised. She also feels hot when Hives occur.
Also while being treated the first time, her Hives came up since her allergy medication time-table ran out. (It was interesting to actually see how the Hive progressed, i.e. bottom to top, reaching her face!)
Pulse exam: Pulses were very slow and weak generally, especially the Kidney (Yang/Yin) pulses. The Spleen pulse was slippery. The Liver pulse was NOT tight (contrary to what Tongue shows)
Tongue exam: Relatively prominent white coating with reddish color on the tip & side.
OM Diagnosis: Used Kiiko’s abdominal assessment (Japanese style):
- Oketsu (abdominal blood stagnation) reactive
- Adrenal reactive
- Spleen/Sugar reactive
- Left inguinal & top of ASIS reactive
Treatment Principle: In Kiiko’s term, release reactive areas using distal points
Point Prescription: – left LV 4 (for Oketsu)
- KI 7, KI27, LU5 (for Adrenal)
- SP 5, SP9, BL20 (for Spleen/Sugar)
- ST Qi, ST13 (for Left inguinal)
- KI9, LI15 (for “detoxing”)
- Ear points: Allergy, Shenmen, O (to calm the shen & adress “allergy”)
Herbal Formula: None
Lifestyle Prescription: Suggested to:
- stay away from Cheese while being treated
- Watch what she eats to find out whether other food may contribute to the s/s.
Results: On 2nd visit, she indicated that she forgot to take the medicine and still felt fine! She is slowly not eating the Cheese! (Tx was basically repeated)
On 3rd visit, she is definitely weaning out of the medication. Added right LV1 for “LV14 PP(dull-pain)” finding.
On 4th visit (she skipped 1 week in between), she reported that she is no longer taking the medication!!! but got the stomach flu previous day. Upon abdominal palpation, only mild ‘adrenal & LV14 reactive. Decided to use TCM tx protocol for this visit. (CV12, ST21, SP6, BL20, BL21, Yin-tang, ST36)
Also she was reporting that she thinks she is allergic to chocolate (actually she observed experiencing a bit of Hive condition after consuming a bit of chocolate lately).
Synopsis: It was necessary to ‘show’ the needles and what reactions one may experience at the moment of needling and after-effects prior to the first treatment. Once she realized that the needles are not what she was expecting (like the western Drs needles), it was easy after that!
Also it was good to see her doing the detective work of what she eats that may contribute to her allergic reaction.

Acupuncture Treatment of IBS Indigestion

Chief Complaint: Indigestion
Western Diagnosis: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Medical History: Patient came with the complaint of dull and heavy sensation in the abdomen , also weakness and lethargy. He was having irregular bowels timings ,and usually more than thrice daily.
Questioning exam: He told me that always feel an urge for stool , whenever there is anxiety or tension and also whenever he want to go outside to do his field work.also he felt weakness after passing stool.he was looking a bit confused,in a hurry and tense.The stool he pass was usually loose.
Pulse exam: The pulse was thready and slippery.
Also the pulse rate was fast.
Tongue exam: Tongue body was light red, with a coating of sticky white colour.
OM Diagnosis: According to my assessment he was having a spleen disorder attacked by damp and a bit cold also.
Treatment Principle: I simply made my mind to resolve damp ,and give energy to stomach and make his mind to calm.
Point Prescription: As his case was a chronic one , and he had tried a lot with many therapies with no result . So i first tried to make him calm with baihui-du-20, and shenmen-h-7.also qihai for some energy.I needled these pts. with even stimulation (manual). On third day I gave him 5 pricks on zusanli-st-36 , and sanyinjiao-sp-6 ,bilterly and baihui on the scalp without electrical stimulation.
Herbal Formula: NOT AT ALL.
Lifestyle Prescription: I just told him to have fibre rich diet.and avoid heavy and junk food.
Results: The result was excellent. As i was thinking of giving him points of complex patterns, but i was astonished to see miracle with these simple points,and treatment. After just 7 sittings , nearly all his complications were gone.and till now after 2years there is no recurrence of any symptom.
Synopsis: Till now I had treated more than 30 cases ,having these symptoms , and I’ve got excellent results. I’ll request to all my acupuncturist friends to use these simple points to treat these kind of symptoms ,and have good results. May god bless all.

Chinese Medicine Treatment of Bloating

Chief Complaint: gas,severe bloating, diminished ability to flatulate
Western Diagnosis: stress
Medical History: Walks daily, married 57yr old but doesn’t live with wife (both are happy in this arrangement) has suffered from clinical depression for years and sees a psychiatrist, average diet not in excess, slim except for protruding stomach, accountant for school which is very stressful, hypochondriac pains
Questioning exam: likes cold fluids, thirsty a lot, healthy appetite but bloats excessively after meals, hard to fall asleep, has anxiety at night, constipated-every 3rd day, poor energy, mind is cloudy most of the time, cold feet all the time, poor memory, lumbago at night, sharp twinges in the heel, leg cramps at night, neck and shoulders get stiff when stressed.
Pulse exam: left-rapid, HT weak and thready, LV wiry, yin wiry and thin
right-rapid, LU thready, SP wiry, yang wiry
Tongue exam: red, peeled, swollen, deep centre crack, deep transverse cracks at middle warmer
OM Diagnosis: excess heat in the middle warmer
wood overacting on earth
qi stagnation
-everything is “stuck” which is why he bloats so excessively, nothing is moving!
Treatment Principle: drain heat, move LV Qi, tonify Sp
Point Prescription: Ki1(first), Ki3,6, LV3+LI4, GB 34, ST36,37
Ren 12, ST25, LV 13,14 PC6, YinTang
DU20 (last)
(and why did you use kidney 1?)
My theory is to needle Ki1 first so that I attract the Qi downwards first, then Du 20 last to balance. I use these 2 points a lot in a needle prescription for hypertension. It works great (as long as the patient is comfortable being poked in his sole) ha ha.
Herbal Formula: I knew herbal formulas were the most important element in this case. Points would help to move the Qi, but I knew herbs would have a more aggressive effect on draining heat so I used granules (KPC)100g
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang-1 tsp w/hot water in the morning
Yue Jue Wan-1 tsp at night
I instructed the patient that the he was to be in charge of the herbs. As soon as his bloating diminshed, he was to cut down (every other day) on Long Dan. But he was to continue with Yue Jue Wan at night until finished.
Lifestyle Prescription: To continue walking as movement is good for this fellow.
see me once a week.
Results: 7 treatments so far, patient reported improvement(bloating minimized) after 1st treatment. After 2nd, he noticed he started to feel less stressed(no matter how busy work was)felt generally happier, he even told his psychiatrist that my treatment was helping him more than the expensive shrink!, 3rd treatment his bowel movements improved almost once a day now. 4th treatment reported a steady improvement in his digestion, way less bloated, can pass gas now. Patient noted that after the first night of taking Yue Jue Wan he could feel things “moving”. 7th treatment now is just a maintenance treatment extended to once a month
Synopsis: Knowing that the Heat diagnosis was a 2 fold issue, excess on the surface but from a yin deficiency underlying. My goal was to treat the branch first(of course)and nourish the yin later.Points would help with that.

Acupuncture for Sinusitis

Chief Complaint: Sinus problems
Medical History: Onset 5 years ago. Drinks 2 cups coffee daily.
Questioning exam: Sinus congestion and headaches worse with dairy and wheat. However no symptoms are used to make a Five Element Diagnosis.
Pulse exam: Pulses indicated exit-entry blocks between LV and Lu and LI and St.
Tongue exam: n/a
OM Diagnosis: Wood Causative Factor – inappropriate anger, rancid odor, shouting voice and green color lateral to the eyes.
Treatment Principle: Clear blocks (AE, entry/exit, etc) and support Causative Factor at spirit level
Point Prescription: First Treatment:
Cleared AE with Back shu points – sedation technique, needles just under the skin.
Kd-24, Head above tears, GV-12
Source points of wood.
All points treated with moxa and tonifying needling technique
Herbal Formula: n/a
Lifestyle Prescription: Increase water intake to half her body weight in fluid oz per day minimum. No coffee consumption.
Results: Significant improvement with sinuses, relief of pressure and absence of infections.
Synopsis: Cleared blocks and supported Wood meridians.

Heroin Withdrawal Treated with Acupuncture and Herbs

Chief Complaint: Heroin Addiction
Medical History: The patient presents as a 27 year-old male from New Orleans, LA. He began using heroin intravenously one year ago and had previously suffered an attack of acute pericarditis, which was successfully treated in the emergency room. The patient was eager to quit heroin and no longer associate with his user friends. He had not used heroin in 3 days, but admitted to chain-smoking cigarettes to ease the cravings.
Questioning exam: Chief complaints: Irritability, insomnia, anxiety, heroin cravings, thirst, depression, constipation, poor appetite.
Pulse exam: Pulse examination revealed thready (fine)and rapid heart and lung positions, with wiry liver position.
Tongue exam: Tongue examination revealed red petichae along front and side edges, with mirror-like red tongue surface and small yellow coating in the rear.
OM Diagnosis: TCM pattern: Yin deficiency affecting heart and lung due to drug intoxication.
Treatment Principle: Treatment method: Nourish Yin, sedate cravings
Point Prescription: Auriculotherapy along with acupuncture was used in a series of 12 treatments (four per week for 3 weeks) with 3 subsequent follow up treatments. Ear: Shenmen, Balance, Sympathetic, Heart, Lung. Acupuncture: Liv 3, Li 4, Lu 7, K 6, Yintang, Du 20, Sp 6
Herbal Formula: Herbal: Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan (15/tid) was given for sedation, which the patient responded to quite well.
Lifestyle Prescription: The patient surrounded himself with family and friends for support and, due to a near-fatal encounter previously, he was ready to change his life and give up his heroin addiction permanently.
Results: The patient successfully withdrew from heroin and cigarettes, and felt acupuncture and herbal medicine greatly reduced his cravings. Coupled with a healthy diet and walks on the beach, the patient’s bowel movements returned to normal. He resisted the tempation of relapse and has kept in touch over the last 5 years. The last I heard, he had just opened his own retail store in Manhattan.

Acupuncture and Herbs for Bladder Infections

Chief Complaint: burning urination with possible blood
Western Diagnosis: urinary tract infection
Medical History: 54 y.o. female with hx of multiple sclerosis for 26 years, uses wheelchair and cane for ambulation. Weakness in left leg needing assistance to move. Chronic history of urinary tract infections, several a month. Uses a catheter bid for voiding.
Questioning exam: urination: burning when beginning stream, frequency and desire to void is nearly constant. Describes a foul odor, dark yellow color, scanty amount. Reports feeling uncomfortable and “anxious.” no change in bowel movement or appetite. Sleep is restless due to freq urinating and restless leg syndrome. body feels tired and heavy. No h/a, slight pain along right temporal area of head and into jaw. Very thirsty but does not want to drink b/c believes she will have to urinate more.
Pulse exam: t: thin, red dry in middle jiao with dry thin white coat in middle jiao. slv: dark and distended. tender sides with scallops and slight quivering.
p: thready and slightly rapid.
Tongue exam: as above
OM Diagnosis: Blood Lin: acute Damp heat toxin in lower jiao with underlying kidney and liver yin vacuity with poss. yin xu heat.
Treatment Principle: clear heat, transform damp, resolve toxicity, stop bleeding, nourish liver and kidney yin and clear vacuity heat.
Point Prescription: She has been treated for this before throughout her TCM hx. I recommended she call her urologist and pcp for an appointment for urinalysis: and to seek primary care if fever begins.
Herbal Formula: mayway granular made:
liu wei di huang wan 40g
zhi mu 8g
huang bai 10g
pu gong ying 10g
zi hua di ding 10g
zhi zi 10g
e jiao 8g
huang lian 10g
huang qin 10g
wu wei zi 10g
Lifestyle Prescription: maintain water intake, no spicy greasy foods, no breads or white flour
clear bland diet of broths and rice and bitter greens.
Results: within two doses she actually slept through the night which she hasn’t been able to accomplish in months. She did not see any blood in the catheter the next morning. reported a decrease in the urgency and denies pain. still watching it. course of herbs is 10 full days.

Acupuncture and Oriental Herbs for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chief Complaint: joint pain
Western Diagnosis: rheumatoid arthritis
Medical History: Female, 34 years old, physical therapist. Joint pain since she was little. Has seen regular physician. Take low dose prednisone off and on.
Ankle, knee and hip joint pain bother her a lot. Recently the both knee swollen, pain, feeling warm and affecting function.
Questioning exam: like cold drink
feel warm
sore throat
Pulse exam: slippery pulse
Both knee joint warm
Tongue exam: red tongue with thin yellow coating
both knee swollen
OM Diagnosis: Bi Syndromes ( heat & dampness)
Treatment Principle: clearing heat and removing dampness
Point Prescription: St.34 St.35 Xiyan(extra) G.B.34 G.B 33 St.36 Sp.9 L.I.11
Herbal Formula: Lian Qiao15 Chi Xiao Do30 Fang Feng 10 Gui Zhi5 Ci Shao10 Yin Dong Teng30 Seng Jiang3 Qiang Huo15 Sheng Gan Cao3
(all unit is Gram)
Lifestyle Prescription: rest, avoiding walking a lot.
Results: This patient has been seen me for a while, at beginning my treatment was for her joints pain. She got a lot of improvement from the treatment.
The knee swollen happened in July, just before I left California, I just know she was better, I have no following up with her. The reason I put this case for you is I would like people know how to treat this situation of rheumatoid arthritis. I don’t think this kind patient will see us by themselves or be refereed by a regular physician. The reason she believe acupuncture with me is I cured her menstrual problem with herbs.

Acupuncture for Huntington’s Disease

Chief Complaint: Muscle Tetany
Western Diagnosis: Huntington’s Disease
Medical History: A 50 year old male collage professor. Two years ago began noticing he had difficulty thinking clearly. Soon after, his hands began to become shaky and he gradually degenerated more and more. Finally, he was unable to walk on his own or change his own clothes. He could not read anymore and suffered some dementia. He also had difficulty eating.
Questioning exam: The patient had a slightly purple complexion with very tense and slightly atrophied muscles. He had a slight tremor. His appetite was good, however he was unable to eat much. He was slightly constipated with soft stools and had frequent urination. He had no other physical complaints.
Pulse exam: His pulse was deep and week in all positions with a moderate rate. His left side bladder channel was very tight and contracted giving him a curving appearance to the left in his back.
Tongue exam: His tongue appeared slightly purple and deviated to the left. It also quivered slightly and was difficult to stick out.
OM Diagnosis: His pattern was described as qi and blood stagnation, internal wind, and spleen and kidney deficiency.
Treatment Principle: Promote qi and blood circulation, tonify the deficiency, and disperse the wind.
Point Prescription: The treatment was two stage and given two times per week.
First, GB20, Bl13, Bl15, Bl18, Bl20, Bl23 warming needle moxa, Bl 52 warming needle moxa, GV4 warming needle moxa, Bl40, and Ki3 with moxa.
Second, Zhu scalp motor zones bilaterally with electricity 100/10 mixed wave for 35 minutes to patient’s tolerance.
Herbal Formula: None given.
Lifestyle Prescription: 30 minutes of tuina before acupuncture and one massage per week.
Results: Results were very good. After 5 weeks of treatment the patient was able to walk unassisted for about 20 feet and was able to change his clothes on his own. He also reported an increased ability to read.
Synopsis: The key to his treatment was the scalp acupuncture. He had gotten TCM style acupuncture alone from another acupuncturist in the same office for several months with no change in his condition. As soon as we added the scalp acupuncture treatment to his protocal a change began to start.

Acupuncture and Herbs for Allergies

Chief Complaint: allergies
Medical History: Patient is a 30 year old male, sedentary lifestyle,diet includes much dairy and spicy foods, no excessive smoking or drinking.
Questioning exam: Patient reported being under stress and feeling very congested with yellow phlegm, a lot of sneezing, itchy watery eyes, fatigue, and a sensation of heaviness in his head. Condition was worsened by the drafty environment he worked in.
Pulse exam: Pulse was slippery and somewhat weak
Tongue exam: Tongue was puffy, had a purple middle and a red tip.
Eyes were red.
OM Diagnosis: The patient had a mixture of qi stagnation, damp heat and phlegm accumulation in the upper burner as well as spleen qi deficiency. Qi stagnation was from the stress and damp obstruction. The indicators of heat were yellow phlegm, red eyes, and red tip of the tongue. Also there was some spleen qi deficiency which led to the damp accumulation.
Treatment Principle: Clear damp heat and phlegm, tonify the spleen, and move qi.
Point Prescription: Acupuncture points were shishengong, du 23, yin tang, bitong, si 18, ren 17. On the left side, li 4, sj 5, li 11, spleen 9, spleen 6, liver 3. On the right side, lung 7, lung 10, heart 7, st 36, st 40, gb 34.
Herbal Formula: Patent formula from Golden Flower of Jade Screen and Xanthium (Yu Ping Feng Jia Cang Er San).2 3Xdaily
Lifestyle Prescription: Suggested he eat less dairy and spicy foods as well as staying away from very cold foods. Encouraged him to start a mild workout program and progress from there. Told him to wear a scarf when the weather was windy or cold as well as at the office.
Results: Results were good. He reports no bad bouts with allergies in a year.
Synopsis: Patient was treated over a period of 2 months. He began with 2 treatments per week for the first 3 weeks; then cut down to once a week. Following the 2 month period, he came in twice during the next 3 months but continued to take the herbs regularly. He complied with the other suggestions but did not work out as regularly as advised. Results were very good.

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